It has been a year of hardship and tragedy, but 2020 also offered us an opportunity to reevaluate how we want to live our lives going forward and honestly as hard as 2020 was, it gave us the opportunity as a country and world to take a different approach to a lot of what we have done our entire life and there was a silver lining to many things. As you look forward to your new year resolutions remember, you don't have to change everything in your life at once, focus on taking smaller steps towards your goals, this will increase your chances of success.
Considering we can not grow flowers at Tabor Acres Farm all year long, I am taking the opportunity during the colder days to regroup, reset, and refocus. I have taken the opportunity to read almost a book a day on a variety of subjects.
One of the resources was "the MINDFULNESS journal 52-week planner" by Centennial Health. Which provides weekly Mindfulness exercises such as Journaling, Body Scans, Coloring, Deep Breathing and Setting Intentions.
If you feel you need a method to keep you on track and establishing a routine, I would suggest taking a look at their 52 week planner. I look forward to my 52 week journey as could use a little boost right now.
December 31, 2020
Happy Birthday to 2021! We are excited you are here.
Week of December 27, 2020
Whew! The holiday is over, what a blessed Christmas. I spent a wonderful few days with my family, I love the fact that my kids are old enough to host Christmas Eve Dinner!
Take a moment to journal reflect on the past week, what are your Thankful for? In the mindfulness journal it has an exercise to take 15 minutes to color. Do you have a coloring book? Pick out a picture that speaks to you and pay attention to the colors, the patterns and the beauty. Think about all the beauty and things your are thankful for and Kiss 2020 goodbye! Happy New Year. I wish you and your family much happiness, health, and spectacular success in 2021! Thank you for your gift of friendship.
Week of December 20, 2020
Journal your day to day activities and thoughts this week, as you most likely have a lot going on this week. If you were to write a letter to Santa and you could ask for anything you wanted, what would it be monetary and/or non monetary.
Week of December 13, 2020
Mindfulness Breathing Exercise: Breathe in through your nose, and fill your belly with the air, hold and slowly exhale through your mouth, this should take 2 to 3 times longer to exhale then your inhale. Do this several times or until you feel your body feel relaxed and free of stress. Practice this through out the rest of the week and journal how you feel.
Week of December 6, 2020
Mindfulness Journaling Exercise: How do you find serenity in the holiday season?
Week of November 29, 2020
Quotes for the week:
"Making the decision to begin something could be the beginning of something great." a thousand paths to happiness by David Baird
"Mindfulness helps us acknowledge that we are not our thoughts and emotions. This perspective helps us be self-compassionate." Alan Chu, PHD
"Mindfulness is about love and loving life. When you cultivate this love, it gives you clarity and compassion for life, and your actions happen in accordance with that." Jon Kabat-Zinn, PHD.
This weeks Journaling Exercise:
1) Your Thanksgiving celebration may have been different this year because of Covid. What made your Thanksgiving special this year?
2) Despite the challenges of the past year, what are 3 things you are grateful for?
3) What are you looking forward to this holiday season?
Bonus Random Writing exercise:
Interview a person you think you know well. Ask questions you've never before asked.